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The right CRM platform empowers companies to manage customer interactions, marketing campaigns, sales processes, new leads, and opportunities to elevate the customer experience—generating more revenue.

This comprehensive CRM buyers guide will simplify your decision-making process and equip you with the knowledge to make the best decision that aligns with your business goals.

Whether you go with the other 150,000 companies that use Salesforce or carve your own path, we’ll explore essential factors to consider, prioritize relevant features, and gain insights into leading CRM software platforms.

What is a CRM?

A CRM is a platform for customer relationship management. Customer relationship management platforms provide features and tools businesses use to manage and improve interactions with current and potential customers throughout the buyer's journey.

The CRM industry is a growing and essential segment for businesses across all industries of any size. The market value of the entire industry in 2022 was valued at USD 58.82 billion.

They are powerful tools enabling sales teams, marketing teams, and customer success teams to streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth. No wonder companies like tumblr, Wells Fargo, and Way all use CRM software to drive growth.

The 4 Types of CRMs

Type of CRMUse Case
AnalyticalAnalyzing customer data to make data-driven decisions
CollaborativeSharing customer data across teams to break down silos
OperationalAutomating processes to optimize sales and marketing activities
StrategicCultivating long-term customer relationships to build loyalty and reduce churn
There are a lot of CRM platforms on the market. Choose a CRM that best addresses your specific business case and is within your budget.

Analytical CRM

Focuses on analyzing customer data to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. This CRM type helps businesses make data-driven decisions and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

Analytical CRMs will:

  • Optimize marketing and sales activities
  • Incorporate data mining techniques
  • Provide buyer persona-building capabilities

Collaborative CRM

Facilitates communication and collaboration among different teams within a company to ensure a unified approach to handling customer interactions. It enables seamless sharing of customer data across departments.

Collaborative CRMs will:

  • Enable real-time sharing of customer-related insights, notes, and updates
  • Provide tools to assign, track, and collaborate on customer-related tasks
  • Allow for improved communication between teams and departments through a shared customer database

Operational CRM

Aims to automate and streamline various customer-facing processes, such as sales, marketing, and customer service activities. It helps enhance overall efficiency and productivity.

Operational CRMs will:

  • Maintain customer profiles through organized contact information, communication history, and preferences
  • Manage leads, automate tasks, and track interactions
  • Offer customer service and support functionalities, such as ticketing systems, case management, and knowledge bases

Strategic CRM

Concentrates on long-term planning and development of customer-centric strategies. It focuses on building strong relationships with customers to maximize customer loyalty and retention.

Strategic CRMs will:

  • Provide customer segmentation and analysis tools to identify distinct customer groups, understand their behaviors, and tailor marketing strategies
  • Use management capabilities to design, execute, and monitor multi-channel marketing campaigns
  • Cultivate long-term customer relationships with tools such as loyalty programs, personalized recommendations, and customer feedback incorporation

Common Use Cases of CRM Software Platforms

Sales Pipeline Management: CRMs provide a clear view of the sales pipeline, enabling sales teams to track prospects, manage leads, and forecast sales with greater accuracy.

Contact Management: CRM systems organize and centralize customer data, including contact information, communication history, and other relevant details.

Customer Data ManagementCRMs store and manage crucial customer data, allowing businesses to understand their customers better and create personalized experiences.

Marketing Automation: CRMs automate marketing tasks, such as email marketing campaigns and social media management, streamlining marketing efforts.

The 5 Key Benefits of Using a CRM

Areas that benefit from using a CRM
  1. Improved customer experience: CRMs allow businesses to deliver personalized interactions and services, enhancing overall customer satisfaction. Without a centralized system, customer service departments may fail to address customer queries promptly, leading to dissatisfaction.
  2. Enhanced customer retention: Without a CRM, businesses miss out on valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior. With better insights into customer behavior, CRMs help businesses identify loyal customers and implement strategies to retain them.
  3. Streamlined sales process: CRM automation reduces manual sales tasks and provides sales representatives with a systematic approach to managing the sales cycle effectively.
  4. Increased sales efficiency: Traditional methods of managing sales lead to longer sales cycles and hinder salespeople's productivity. Sales automation through CRM systems enables sales teams to focus on building relationships and closing deals.
  5. Better marketing efforts: By analyzing customer data, CRMs help marketing teams create targeted campaigns and improve the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. Without a CRM, businesses often struggle to keep customer data organized and accessible, resulting in missed opportunities and inefficiencies.

Need more proof of the impact of a CRM on your bottom line? These CRM statistics should do the trick.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a CRM Solution

Selecting the right CRM solution for your business is crucial to achieving seamless customer relationship management, boosting sales, and enhancing overall productivity. To make an informed decision, you need to consider the following essential factors:

1. Business Requirements and Goals

Start by assessing your business's unique requirements and objectives. Identify the pain points your team faces in managing customer interactions, sales processes, and customer data.

Determine whether you need a CRM focused on sales automation to streamline your sales cycle or a more marketing-centric solution with robust marketing automation features to drive your marketing efforts. Understanding your business goals will ensure you select a CRM that aligns with your overall strategy and helps you reach your targets more effectively.

2. Budget

There is a diverse range of choices when choosing a CRM platform, spanning from cost-effective standalone solutions (like these free CRMs) to higher-priced enterprise-grade platforms. While some enterprise-level CRMs can come with substantial costs, reaching tens of thousands of dollars annually, many budget-friendly alternatives are available.

Many CRMs fall below the $100 per month mark, and some even offer free plans with certain limitations. To make an informed decision on selecting a CRM, you’ll need to evaluate your unique requirements.

Tools Price
Thryv From $15/user/month
CRM Creatio From $25/user/month
Capsule From $18/user/month (billed annually)
monday CRM From $8/user/month (billed annually)
HubSpot CRM From $20/month
Pipedrive CRM From $21.90/user/month
Keap From $249/month (billed annually)
MRPeasy From $49/user/month
Streak From $49/user/month (billed annually)
Zendesk Sell From $19/user/month
Compare Software Specs Side by Side

Compare Software Specs Side by Side

Use our comparison chart to review and evaluate software specs side-by-side.

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Primary factors that will affect the cost of the CRM platform you need are:

  • Essential CRM features
  • Necessary integrations
  • Number of users requiring access
  • Overall total cost of ownership


As your business grows and your customer base expands, your CRM needs will evolve. It's essential to choose a CRM solution that can scale alongside your business without disrupting your operations. A cloud-based CRM is often the best choice for scalability, as it allows you to easily add or remove users, access more storage, and adapt to changing demands as your company expands.

Ease of Use

A user-friendly CRM platform is essential for successfully adopting and utilizing the software across your organization.

The easier it is for your sales reps, marketing teams, and customer service staff to navigate the CRM interface and perform their tasks, the more efficient and productive they will be. Prioritize a CRM with an intuitive user interface and straightforward navigation to minimize the learning curve and accelerate the integration of CRM-driven processes into your daily operations.

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Your CRM should seamlessly integrate with your existing business tools and systems. Integration with your accounting software, email marketing automation tools, and other essential applications ensures a cohesive flow of data across various departments.

This integration reduces manual data entry, minimizes errors, and empowers your teams with a holistic view of customer interactions and history.

Mobile Accessibility

You’ll likely require mobile access for remote sales or customer service team members. Opting for a CRM solution that offers mobile compatibility allows teams to access the CRM via smartphones and tablets.

This mobility enables real-time responsiveness and makes sure that customer interactions always remain timely and effective.

Customization Options

Each business operates with its unique workflows and processes. A one-size-fits-all CRM solution may not fully address your specific needs.

Look for a CRM platform that provides customization options, allowing you to tailor the software to match your organization's structure and requirements. Customization ensures the CRM aligns with your existing business processes, enhancing efficiency and user adoption.

Data Security and Privacy

Protecting sensitive customer data is a critical aspect of CRM selection. Ensure the CRM system you choose complies with industry-standard security protocols and regulations.

Look for data encryption, role-based access control, and compliance with data privacy regulations, such as GDPR-specific features. Data breaches can harm your reputation and erode customer trust, so prioritize a CRM with robust data security measures.

Customer Support and Training

A CRM implementation may come with a learning curve for your team members. To ensure a smooth transition, consider the level of customer support and training offered by the CRM vendor. Responsive customer support can help resolve issues promptly, while comprehensive training resources, tutorials, and documentation can equip your team with the knowledge needed to make the most of the CRM's features.

By carefully evaluating these key factors, you can confidently choose a CRM solution that meets your current needs and positions your business for future growth and success.

Pie chart of Salesfrorce CRM customers by industry in 2021
Graphic showing how many industries are using Salesforce CRM platforms. (Image Source)

Essential Features of a CRM Tool

A well-equipped CRM tool serves as the central hub for managing customer interactions, streamlining sales processes, and enhancing overall business productivity. Here are the key features that make a CRM indispensable for modern businesses:

Lead Management

A CRM system facilitates lead management, tracking leads from various sources, such as website inquiries, social media, and email campaigns. It enables your sales team to efficiently follow up with potential customers and build personalized campaigns to nurture leads and guide them through the funnel.

Sales Pipeline and Opportunity Tracking

This feature empowers sales reps to prioritize deals, forecast revenue, and ensure no leads slip through the cracks.

Marketing Automation

A CRM allows you to automate repetitive tasks, such as sending personalized emails, scheduling social media posts, and running targeted marketing campaigns. These features save time, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Marketing automation has proven to be highly beneficial for companies, with 50% of those surveyed reporting that it saves time on repetitive tasks and facilitates personalized communication with customers.

Customer Service and Support

With a CRM, your customer service teams can access customer profiles, interaction history, and preferences in real-time, enabling them to resolve issues promptly and deliver personalized support.

According to recent research, a staggering 61 percent of customers are likely to switch to a competitor after just one negative experience, indicating a 22 percent increase from the previous year. If they encounter two negative experiences, this figure rises to a striking 76 percent of customers who will take their business elsewhere.

Reporting and Analytics

A CRM tool generates real-time reports and analytics on customer interactions and sales performance. These reports help business owners and managers gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior, identify trends, and fine-tune strategies accordingly.


Integrating a CRM with accounting software, email marketing platforms, and other essential applications enables smooth data flow and prevents data silos.

Workflow Automation

Automating repetitive and manual tasks streamlines business processes and minimizes human error. A CRM can automate tasks such as lead assignments, follow-ups, and data entry, allowing your team to focus on more value-added activities.


Sales, marketing, and customer success teams can share customer data, collaborate on customer interactions, and collectively work toward enhancing customer experiences.

By incorporating these essential features, a CRM becomes an indispensable tool for businesses.

Graphic of essential features from a CRM vendor

Introducing a CRM solution into your business is a transformative process that requires careful planning and execution. To ensure successful adoption and implementation, follow these key steps:

Planning for CRM Implementation

  • Set clear objectives: Establish specific goals and objectives for CRM implementation. Outline what you aim to achieve with the CRM system, such as improving sales efficiency, enhancing customer service, or increasing customer retention. Clear objectives will guide your decision-making throughout the process.
  • Get buy-in from stakeholders: Involve all relevant stakeholders, including business owners, department heads, and end-users, in the decision-making process. Understanding their needs and concerns will foster support and cooperation during implementation.
  • Choose the right CRM vendor: Thoroughly research different CRM vendors and platforms to find the one that aligns best with your business requirements. Consider factors like scalability, customization options, user interface, and customer support. Writing a CRM RFP is an easy way to formalize your vendor requirements and expectations, while a CRM evaluation scorecard will help you rank and compare the responses.
  • Data migration and integration: Plan the migration of existing customer data from legacy systems to the new CRM. Ensure the chosen CRM integrates seamlessly with other essential business tools and applications to prevent data silos and enhance efficiency.
  • Training and onboarding: Investing in comprehensive training for your team is crucial for successful CRM adoption. Provide adequate resources and support to help your employees learn the CRM's functionalities and understand its benefits.

Measuring CRM success

Key performance indicators (KPIs): Identify relevant KPIs to measure the success of your CRM implementation. Common KPIs include conversion rates, customer retention rates, sales growth, and customer satisfaction levels. Regularly track these metrics to evaluate CRM performance.

Feedback and user reviews: Encourage feedback from your team regarding the CRM's usability and functionality. User reviews can provide valuable insights into areas needing improvement or additional training.

Continuous training and support: Offer ongoing training and support to ensure your team fully utilizes the CRM's capabilities. As the CRM evolves with updates and new features, continuous training will keep your team up-to-date.

Regular assessments and optimizations: Periodically review your CRM implementation to identify any bottlenecks or areas for improvement. Assess how well the CRM aligns with your initial objectives and adjust as needed to maximize its benefits.

CRM customization and flexibility: Leverage the customization options provided by your CRM to tailor the platform to your evolving needs. The ability to adapt the CRM to your changing business processes and goals is essential for continuous optimization.

By meticulously planning for CRM implementation, monitoring key performance metrics, and promoting a culture of CRM adoption, your business can reap the full benefits of this powerful tool. Embrace the continuous optimization process to ensure the biggest ROI on a CRM solution.

Optimize your CRM for success. Check out our guide to CRM best practices.

Comparing the Top CRM platforms

Selecting the ideal CRM software platform for your business requires a comprehensive comparison of the top players in the market. Each CRM solution brings its unique set of features, use cases, and pricing structures.

Let's delve into the specifics of some of the best CRM platforms to help you make an informed decision.

HubSpot CRM Suite

HubSpot's CRM is a versatile solution designed to align marketing, sales, and customer service efforts seamlessly. Its user-friendly interface and integration with HubSpot's suite of tools make it a popular choice among small businesses and large enterprises alike.

Screenshot of HubSpot's CRM home page

Features and use cases

  • Marketing automation: HubSpot CRM offers marketing automation capabilities. Businesses can automate email marketing campaigns, lead nurturing, and follow-up sequences. This allows marketing teams to engage leads with personalized content and track campaign performance for increased conversion rates and high-quality leads.
  • Sales pipeline management: With a simple drag-and-drop interface, HubSpot's CRM facilitates easy sales pipeline management. Sales reps can visualize and manage deals at various stages, set reminders for follow-ups, and automate tasks, leading to improved sales efficiency and accurate revenue forecasting.
  • Lead management: HubSpot's CRM simplifies lead management by capturing leads from multiple sources and segmenting them based on attributes and interactions.
  • Customer service and support: HubSpot's CRM centralizes all customer interactions, communication history, and support tickets, enabling timely and personalized support. This view lets customer service teams resolve issues efficiently and improve customer satisfaction and retention.

Pros of HubSpot CRM

  • User-friendly interface and easy integration with HubSpot's marketing and sales tools.
  • Marketing automation capabilities for targeted campaigns and lead nurturing.
  • Free plan available, making it accessible for small businesses.

Cons of HubSpot CRM

  • Limited customization options compared to some other CRM platforms.
  • Advanced features require a subscription to higher-tier plans.


The HubSpot CRM suite standard plan starts at $30 per user per month when paid annually.


Salesforce is a dominant player in the CRM industry, offering a highly customizable platform suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Screenshot of Salesforce's home page

Features and use cases

  • Sales automation: Salesforce's sales automation tools streamline processes by automating tasks like email follow-ups, task assignments, and lead scoring. This allows sales reps to focus on building relationships and closing deals efficiently.
  • Customization: Salesforce's extensive customization options enable businesses to tailor their CRM to their specific needs. Custom objects, fields, and workflows can be created to match unique processes.
  • Integration: Salesforce's AppExchange offers a wide range of third-party integrations.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Salesforce's reporting and analytics tools provide valuable insights into sales performance, marketing campaigns, and customer behavior.

Pros of Salesforce

  • Highly customizable platform, suitable for diverse business needs.
  • Extensive integration capabilities through Salesforce AppExchange.
  • Robust analytics and reporting for data-driven decisions.

Cons of Salesforce

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners due to its extensive features and complexity.
  • Higher costs for advanced functionality and enterprise-level solutions. You can find a detailed guide here to the best enterprise CRM platforms.


Salesforce offers various pricing plans, with the Essentials plan starting at $25 per user per month.

Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is a user-friendly platform offering sales and marketing automation, customer support, and analytics.

Screenshot of Zoho's CRM home page

Features and use cases

  • Sales process automation: Zoho CRM's sales automation tools streamline processes and increase productivity by automating lead assignments, follow-ups, and email campaigns. This ensures timely communication with potential customers and enhances the sales process.
  • Marketing automation: Zoho CRM's marketing automation capabilities help businesses execute targeted campaigns, segment leads based on behavior, and track campaign performance.
  • Customer service and support: Zoho CRM's customer support tools centralize customer interactions, communication history, and support cases.
  • Analytics and reporting: Zoho CRM provides robust analytics and reporting features, helping businesses monitor sales performance, track marketing campaigns, and assess customer behavior.

Pros of Zoho CRM

  • User-friendly interface and ease of setup for quick CRM adoption.
  • Affordable pricing plans with options for businesses of different sizes.
  • Strong integration capabilities with other Zoho applications.

Cons of Zoho CRM

  • Advanced features may require additional add-ons or higher-tier subscriptions.
  • Limited customization compared to other CRM platforms.


Zoho CRM offers a free plan providing basic CRM functionality. Paid plans start at $14 per user per month.

Oracle Cloud CX CRM

Oracle provides an extensive suite of highly capable CRM solutions tailored to different industries and business needs.

Screenshot of Oracle's Cloud CX website

Features and use cases

  • Lead management: Oracle CRM's lead management feature helps businesses capture, qualify, and nurture leads through personalized campaigns and sales processes. This lets sales teams prioritize leads based on their stage in the sales cycle and align their efforts accordingly.
  • Sales automation: Oracle CRM streamlines sales processes, automating routine tasks and workflows. Automation features include email follow-ups, task assignments, and opportunity tracking, allowing sales reps to focus on building relationships and closing deals.
  • Marketing automation: Oracle CRM supports targeted marketing campaigns, lead tracking, and campaign analysis. Marketing teams can automate email marketing, segment leads based on behavior, and monitor campaign performance to optimize their strategies.
  • Customer service and support: Oracle CRM empowers customer service teams with comprehensive access to customer interaction history, enabling timely and personalized support.

Pros of Oracle CRM

  • Scalability to accommodate large-scale enterprises and industry-specific solutions.
  • Customization options to tailor the CRM to diverse business processes.
  • Strong reporting and analytics capabilities for data-driven decision-making.

Cons of Oracle CRM

  • Higher costs compared to many other CRM platforms, especially for enterprise-level solutions.
  • Implementation may require specialized expertise and resources.


Oracle CRM's pricing varies based on the specific CRM solution chosen and the scope of implementation. The most affordable plan option starts at $65 per month per user.

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers an integrated suite of CRM and ERP applications, providing businesses with a unified platform for sales, marketing, and customer service.

Screenshot of Microsoft Dynamics 365 home page

Features and use cases

  • Sales process automation: Microsoft Dynamics 365's sales automation tools enable businesses to automate routine sales tasks and workflows. By automating lead assignments, follow-ups, and opportunity tracking, sales teams can focus on building strong customer relationships and closing deals.
  • Marketing automation: Microsoft Dynamics 365 supports targeted marketing campaigns, lead tracking, and campaign analysis. Marketing teams can automate email marketing, segment leads based on behavior, and monitor campaign performance to optimize their strategies.
  • Customer service and support: With customer service tools, Microsoft Dynamics 365 centralizes customer interactions, communication history, and support cases. This comprehensive view empowers customer service teams to provide timely and personalized support, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Analytics and reporting: Microsoft Dynamics 365's analytics and reporting features offer actionable insights into sales performance, marketing campaigns, and customer behavior. The customizable reports allow for insights into key business metrics.

Pros of Microsoft Dynamics 365

  • Easy integration with Microsoft's suite of business applications, enhancing productivity and collaboration.
  • Scalable to accommodate businesses of different sizes and industries.
  • Powerful analytics and reporting capabilities.


  • Requires familiarity with the Microsoft ecosystem and products.
  • Complex implementation and customization may require specialized expertise.
  • Expensive pricing model compared with many other solutions.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers a range of pricing plans to accommodate businesses of various sizes and with different needs.

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Boost Revenue with the Right CRM

By selecting the right CRM solution that aligns with specific needs, companies can effectively enhance customer experiences, optimize sales processes, and streamline marketing efforts.

Choosing a CRM platform empowers businesses to reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, and, ultimately, drive success. As the global CRM market continues to grow, making an informed decision when choosing a CRM solution is crucial for businesses aiming to stay competitive and achieve long-term growth and prosperity.

Phil Gray

Philip Gray is the COO of Black and White Zebra and Founding Editor of The RevOps Team. A business renaissance man with his hands in many departmental pies, he is an advocate of centralized data management, holistic planning, and process automation. It's this love for data and all things revenue operations landed him the role as resident big brain for The RevOps Team.

With 10+ years of experience in leadership and operations in industries that include biotechnology, healthcare, logistics, and SaaS, he applies a considerable broad scope of experience in business that lets him see the big picture. An unapologetic buzzword apologist, you can often find him double clicking, drilling down, and unpacking all the things.