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A well-implemented CRM streamlines processes, enhances customer satisfaction, and ultimately drives growth. However, the journey to a successful CRM implementation is filled with potential pitfalls. 

If your CRM and tech stack are not configured properly, it can lead to inefficiencies, data silos, and missed growth opportunities. Not to mention all the extra time and dollars you’ll spend cleaning up the mess!

In this article, I'll walk through the most efficient and effective way to implement a CRM, broken down into seven critical steps.

What Is CRM Implementation?

CRM implementation is the process of designing and configuring a system for housing all your customer data.

Even for a simple CRM, you can expect it to track interactions and emails, prospective & current customers, and workflow automation designed to save time.

The goal of CRM software is to improve business relationships, streamline processes, and increase profitability without adding human capital. The more efficient we can be, the more savings and value created.

How To Successfully Implement A CRM

Step 1: Choosing the Right CRM for Your Business

The foundation of a successful CRM implementation starts with selecting the right CRM system (for you, not everyone else). This choice hinges on understanding your business needs, goals, and the specific features that will support your team. After all, a CRM is designed to help your people be more effective in supporting your customers. 

As a certified audio engineer by trade, I often compare the CRM selection process to microphones and instruments. It’s not the cost of the mic that matters, it’s the sound you get out of it. Remember, simplicity is key. 

How to Find the Right CRM

Assess Your Needs

Identify the key functions your CRM must support—sales pipeline tracking, customer service, marketing automation, etc. Start with the absolute necessities for the initial setup and document “nice-to-haves” for phase 2. This exercise will help you control the project budget, focus on what’s most important, and choose the type of CRM that works best for your business.

Evaluate Options

Research various CRM solutions, considering both general-purpose CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot, and industry-specific options. Use a CRM scorecard to help rank your options.

There are a TON of options out there. Compare 2-3 total. Any more information and it’ll be too overwhelming to make a final decision. Even for a business of 2-10 employees, a CRM like HubSpot is an affordable option that will scale with you over time. But here are a few more options I like:

Consider Scalability

Make sure the CRM can grow with your business, accommodating increasing data volume and users. Build for the present and near future.

Demo and Trial

Take advantage of demos and free trials to see how different CRMs perform. HubSpot, for example, has a free account to test out basic features.

Author's Tip

Author's Tip

Struggling to find the right CRM? Use demos to test drive features before you commit.

Seek Feedback

Engage with team members who will use the CRM daily to gather their input and preferences.

Step 2: Defining Project Scope, Budget & Timeline

A clear project scope, budget, and timeline are essential for keeping the CRM implementation on track. Without these, projects can spiral out of control, leading to delays and money lost. Be sure to include all executive members of your Go-To-Market team in initial discussions, so you have alignment BEFORE the project begins (trust me this will save you a big headache later on).

How to Create a CRM Implementation Plan

Define Goal-Based Objectives

Outline what you want to achieve with the CRM—improved customer insights, streamlined sales processes, etc. Use SMART goals to outline your V1 deliverables. 

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Set a Budget

Determine the total cost of ownership, including software licenses, implementation services, and ongoing maintenance.

Author's Tip

Author's Tip

Ongoing maintenance and future change management will be required. You’re buying an airplane, don’t forget to hire (and retain) a pilot to fly it.

Create a Timeline

Develop a realistic timeline with milestones and deadlines for each phase of the project. Think about holidays, busy seasons, product launches, etc. before choosing a launch date. 

Risk Management

Identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies to keep the project on course. You may run into issues along the way related to process and technical errors, but that’s ok. Create a plan for how you’ll adjust project scope when you uncover new requirements. 

Step 3: Identifying Project Stakeholders & Communication Channels/Tools

Like any project, effective communication and stakeholder involvement are crucial for the smooth execution of a CRM project. If communication isn’t clear, you’re already behind and the delivered results will suffer.

How to Communicate a CRM Rollout

Identify Stakeholders

Include key players from sales, marketing, customer service, IT/Product, and senior management. Be sure that the solution you’re building has the “business” at the core, not just a single department. 

Define Roles and Responsibilities

Clarify what each stakeholder is responsible for to prevent overlaps and gaps. It’s a good idea to have a few project champions identified to carry to load when the unexpected occurs.

Establish Communication Channels

Use tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or project management software to facilitate collaboration. Consistency is key. Make sure everyone understands where to communicate progress updates, new concerns, and asking for questions/feedback.

Regular Updates

Schedule regular check-ins and updates to keep everyone informed and engaged. Consider investing in a tool like ClickUp to keep track of project milestones, house technical/video documentation, and tag stakeholders on important updates. 

Step 4: Architect the Blueprints

Before diving into the technical setup, it's essential to create a detailed plan outlining how the CRM will be structured and used. This is your CRM strategy. Think beyond the technology and document your customer journey across all go-to-market functions. The CRM is meant to support this journey to make the job easier for your team. 

How to Create a CRM Strategy

Process Mapping

Document current processes and identify areas for improvement. This is a great opportunity to improve processes across your GTM teams. You’ll find inefficiencies and malformed data as you start documenting requirements. Write these down and work with your leadership team to redesign a better solution. 

Data Model Design

Define how to organize data within a CRM—consider objects, fields, and relationships. Think about how users will digest information from the system as well. Design simple and easy-to-read record layouts and dashboards, so everyone can find what they’re looking for quickly. 

Integration Plan

Plan for integrations with existing systems such as email platforms, ERP systems, and social media. 

A good exercise is to write down all go-to-market team technology including:

  • Cost
  • License count
  • Contract renewal date
  • Owner
  • Estimates utlization percentage (0%, 25%, 50%, etc.)

Anything with less than a 50% utilization is a candidate for replacement or cancellation. I often see thousands of dollars saved from this alone.

User Permissions

Establish user roles and permissions to ensure data security and compliance. Determine which teams will need access and which level of permissions they should have.

Author's Tip

Author's Tip

If you have more than 2-3 system administrators, you’ve taken a wrong turn.

Step 5: Technical Configuration & Testing

With a solid blueprint in hand, the next step is the technical configuration of the CRM system. This phase involves setting up the software according to the design specifications and thoroughly testing it.

How to Configure a CRM


Configure fields, workflows, and automation rules to match your business processes. This is an essential step in driving higher efficiency for your team, but you’re likely to go too far too fast.

Remember that not everything needs to be automated in your CRM. Start with the most time consuming and painful tasks first. Slowly build of your progress, but be critical of over engineering. 


Connect the CRM with other systems and ensure data flows smoothly between them. It’s a best practice to use a license as an integration user for these tools. This way, when a system updates a record you know it was done automatically, not by Jeff in accounting. Incredibly helpful for troubleshooting!


Conduct extensive testing to identify and fix issues. Include unit testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing.

User Feedback

Gather feedback from a small group of end-users to refine the system before a full rollout. Bring in a few individual contributors to get initial feedback to make sure you have process alignment. 

Author's Tip

Author's Tip

If what you’re building isn’t useful to the folks on the ground, no one will use it and they’ll go back to Excel spreadsheets and paper notebooks.

Step 6: Data Cleanup & Migration

Data quality is critical for CRM success. This portion of the project will more often than not be the milestone that takes the most time. Migrating dirty or incomplete data into a new system can lead to user frustration and poor data quality, so don’t rush.

Author's Tip

Author's Tip

At a minimum, I would leave a solid 30+ days before launch date to focus on data migration only. This means all customization, automation, permissions, and processes have been built, tested, and confirmed at this stage.

If the data is in the wrong place or the object architecture is configured incorrectly, you won’t be able to produce viable CRM reports or take advantage of advanced CRM analytics to track trustworthy business metrics.

How to Migrate CRM Data

Data Audit

Review existing data for accuracy and completeness. 

Data Cleansing

Remove duplicates, correct errors, and standardize formats (phone numbers, addresses, emails, etc.)

Migration Plan

Develop a detailed plan for migrating data, including mapping old data to new fields.

Migrate Data

Perform a test migration to ensure data transfers correctly and nothing is lost.

Step 7: Go Live, Training, & Rollout Support

The final step is bringing your CRM system live and ensuring users are fully trained and supported.

Author's Tip

Author's Tip

I recommend using tools like Loom to create video documentation that’s easily digestible. No one wants to read a 30 page CRM manual and you’ll benefit from a library of videos for new employees as well.

How to Go Live With a CRM

Go Live Plan

Execute a well-coordinated go-live plan to minimize disruption. Have support on standby and schedule office hours to handle any issues that arise.

User Training

Conduct comprehensive training sessions to ensure all users are comfortable with the new system. Use a variety of training methods, such as live sessions, video tutorials, and documentation.

Post-Launch Support

Provide ongoing support to address any issues that arise after the system is live. Establish a feedback loop to continually improve the system.

Performance Monitoring

Track key metrics to evaluate the CRM performance and its impact on your business processes. 

Common Pitfalls In CRM Implementation

Even with careful planning, some common pitfalls can derail a CRM implementation project. Following CRM best practices can help you avoid these challenges, but keep a careful eye on the issues below.

Insufficient User Adoption: If users don’t see the value or find the system cumbersome, they won’t use it. This can be mitigated with thorough training, by involving users in the planning process, or sending them this article with CRM statistics on usage, users, and benefits.

Data Quality Issues: Poor data quality can lead to user frustration and incorrect insights. Ensure rigorous data cleanup and validation processes are in place.

Lack of Clear Objectives: Without clear goals, it’s difficult to measure success or make informed decisions during the implementation process. Define and communicate objectives from the start.

Choosing the Wrong Support: Partnering with the right CRM experts and being realistic about what your team can do without guidance is one of the most important factors in a successful implementation.

Here’s the checklist I’d use to find the best partner:

Knowledge & Experience

Have they been here before? Have they helped businesses like yours accomplish the project goals you’ve set? Do they hold certifications in the CRM/tech stack tools you want to implement?

If there’s any doubt or vagueness to the answers they give, trust your gut and look elsewhere. 

Areas of Focus

Ask about their areas of expertise and if they are comfortable gathering and uncovering business requirements. Far too many botched implementations are caused by improper discovery and a lack of business acumen. This is the formula I think of when implementing a CRM:

CRM + Tech Stack Tools + RevOps Strategy = Complete Solution

Cost & Contract Terms

I’ll probably shock you here: be more weary of low cost pricing, not high cost pricing.

We can technically buy sushi from a gas station, but we know the results will be vastly different than a restaurant. If it’s too good to be true, it’s because it is.

Be sure the terms are favorable and give you a reasonable out if work is not completed in a professional and timely manner.


This is one of the biggest business decisions your GTM team will make, so make sure your partner is trustworthy. Ask difficult questions and be on the lookout for honest answers. Communication and lack of trust are the hardest obstacles to overcome for a project of this importance.

Planning is Key For a Smooth CRM Implementation

Implementing a CRM is a complex but rewarding process that can transform how your business manages customer relationships and drives growth. These steps will help you manage a smooth and successful CRM implementation. 

Remember, choosing the right expert can be crucial in navigating the complexities of CRM projects and achieving your desired outcomes. With the right approach, your CRM can become a powerful tool that enhances efficiency, fosters collaboration, and supports your business's long-term success.

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Jeremy Steinbring

Jeremy Steinbring is a seasoned Revenue Operations strategist and CRM expert with a decade of experience driving revenue generation for Tech and SaaS startups. A certified professional in Salesforce, HubSpot, and RevOps Systems, Jeremy's expertise lies in integrating technology and simplifying complicated processes to improve performance. As the founder of RevOnyx, he leads a forward-thinking firm specializing in Revenue Operations Systems optimization, helping businesses increase their revenue-generating potential.