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In this review, I’m going to share my analysis and evaluation from my hands-on experience with OptinMonster. But first, if you’re just beginning your search for the best lead generation tools, check out my picks for the best lead generation software. You probably already know that OptinMonster is among the most popular lead generation tools out there, but you need to better understand what’s good (and not so good) about it.

This in-depth OpinMonster review will walk you through the tool's pros and cons, features and functionality, and more to help guide you to better understand its capabilities and its suitability for your needs.

OptinMonster Software Campaign Dashboard View
I like how OptinMonster includes a campaign overview feature, which shows how many people have viewed each campaign, the conversion rates, and the number of new leads you’ve collected from every campaign on the OptinMonster dashboard, shown here.

OptinMonster Software Product Overview

OptinMonster is a SaaS lead generation tool that integrates with websites as a plugin to create types of campaigns—like floating bars, sidebar forms, and exit-intent popups—to increase conversions and email signups through targeted marketing campaigns. It serves a broad range of users from bloggers to e-commerce site owners, particularly those utilizing WordPress plugins, who seek to boost page views and retain visitors with enticing offers such as coupons. The tool benefits users by offering rich customization options from fonts to sound effects, facilitating different campaign types, including slide-ins and inline forms, and enhancing user engagement with features like MonsterLinks and scroll boxes.

OptinMonster campaign addresses key pain points by simplifying the creation of optin campaigns with a step-by-step builder, providing detailed display rules for precise geolocation, and onsite retargeting, enabling users to conduct split tests to refine their strategies for the best lead generation results. Users manage their marketing efforts seamlessly through an OptinMonster account, which centralizes the control of diverse elements like layouts, email opt-in strategies, and email subscriber list growth.


  • Conversion Features: OptinMonster excels in conversion rate optimization tools, offering features like exit-intent technology that senses when a user is about to leave the page.
  • Integrations: The platform integrates seamlessly with a wide range of email marketing services and CRM tools, facilitating a smooth workflow for marketers.
  • Support Material: An extensive library of resources is available, ensuring users have access to guidance for every aspect of the software.


  • Learning Curve: New users may face a steep learning curve, given the breadth and depth of features available.
  • Customization Limits: While robust, customization options can be limited for advanced users who desire more control over the design.
  • Price Point: The cost may be prohibitive for small businesses or individual users, especially compared to simpler, less feature-rich alternatives.

Expert Opinion

In my experience, OptinMonster stands tall among its competitors for its advanced lead generation features and comprehensive user interface. However, it can be a heavyweight for those who lack the technical expertise or the budget to utilize its extensive functionalities fully. While the platform offers a strong suite of tools for increasing conversion rates, businesses that require intricate customization might find it somewhat restrictive.

It performs well with its integration capabilities and support resources, which outshine many competitors. In terms of environment suitability, OptinMonster is best leveraged by medium to large enterprises that have the resources to exploit its full potential and can justify the investment through high-volume traffic.

OptinMonster: The Bottom Line

What sets OptinMonster apart is its sophisticated behavioral detection capabilities, which allow for highly targeted campaign triggers, like their signature exit-intent feature. This functionality is particularly effective in capturing leads and reducing cart abandonment rates. Its standout features include the detailed A/B testing and the actionable insights generated from its analytics dashboard, providing users not just data, but interpretable information that can directly inform marketing strategies.

With these tools, OptinMonster offers a unique package for businesses serious about optimizing their conversion funnel.

OptinMonster Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into OptinMonster features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

Product Specifications

  1. A/B Testing - Yes
  2. Analytics/Reporting - Yes
  3. Customizable CTAs - Yes
  4. Dynamic Content - Yes
  5. Email Integration - Yes
  6. CRM Integration - Yes
  7. Lead Capture Forms - Yes
  8. Lead Scoring - No
  9. SEO Management - No
  10. Social Media Integration - No
  11. Campaign Management - Yes
  12. Drip Campaigns - No
  13. Event-Triggered Actions - Yes
  14. Conversion Rate Optimization - Yes
  15. Marketing Automation Integration - Yes
  16. Popup Forms - Yes
  17. Landing Pages/Web Forms - Yes
  18. Referral Program Management - No
  19. Subscriber Management - Yes
  20. Tagging - Yes
  21. User Interaction Tracking - Yes
  22. Website Visitor Tracking - Yes
  23. eCommerce Integration - Yes
  24. Exit Intent Technology - Yes
  25. Mobile Optimization - Yes

OptinMonster Feature Overview

  • A/B Testing: This allows users to compare different versions of their opt-in forms to see which one performs better, refining their strategy based on real data.
  • Analytics/Reporting: OptinMonster provides detailed insights into how campaigns perform, helping users make data-driven decisions.
  • Customizable CTAs: Users can create tailored calls-to-action that resonate with their audience, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Dynamic Content: The software can display content based on user behavior, making the experience more relevant and engaging.
  • Email Integration: Easy sync with email marketing services means users can effortlessly grow their lists and segment subscribers.
  • Popup Forms: High-quality, responsive gamified popup forms capture leads effectively without detracting from the user experience.
  • Event-Triggered Actions: These allow campaigns to be automatically triggered by specific user actions, making marketing efforts timely and relevant.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization: OptinMonster includes features designed to turn visitors into subscribers and customers.
  • Exit Intent Technology: This detects when a visitor is about to leave the site and presents them with a targeted message, helping to reduce bounce rates.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensuring that all forms look good and function well on mobile devices is key, and OptinMonster handles this with finesse.Standout Functionality

OptinMonster sets itself apart with Exit Intent Technology, which captures leads at the critical moment before they leave your site. Its Dynamic Content feature stands out by personalizing the user experience based on their behavior and engagement level. Additionally, the level of customization available in Lightbox Popup Forms is notable for its flexibility and responsiveness, often exceeding what is available in other media software solutions.


OptinMonster offers an array of out-of-the-box integrations with leading email marketing platforms, web analytics tools, and CRM systems. OptinMonster comes with integrations for popular eCommerce tools such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. These integrations enable users to connect their lead-generation efforts with their existing marketing stack for streamlined operations.

They provide an API for more customized connections and also support add-ons to extend the platform’s capabilities, such as countdown timers and chat modules for increased interaction.

OptinMonster Pricing

Pricing for OptinMonster varies based on features and scales with the size of the user's audience. It is generally on par with or slightly higher than similar tools, reflecting its comprehensive feature set.

  • Basic Plan: $9/user/month (billed annually) provides essential tools for beginners with a focus on lead generation.
  • Plus Plan: $19/user/month (billed annually) includes integrated A/B testing and additional design options for growing businesses.
  • Pro Plan: $29/user/month (billed annually) offers advanced features like exit-intent technology and mobile-specific campaigns.
  • Growth Plan: $49/user/month (billed annually) caters to larger businesses with enhanced analytics and more extensive integrations.

Users may need to consider additional costs for premium integrations or add-ons.

Ease of Use

Navigating through OptinMonster’s features is straightforward, with an organized dashboard and clear menus. While the depth of options is extensive, the onboarding process guides new users effectively. Some may find the multitude of settings and customization options daunting initially, but typically this complexity becomes manageable with a little practice.

Customer Support

OptinMonster provides substantial customer support, including a knowledge base, tutorials, and email assistance. Users appreciate the breadth of self-help resources. However, the lack of immediate support channels like live chat or phone service can be a drawback for those who require fast assistance or have complex issues that are best handled in real-time conversation.

OptinMonster Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For OptinMonster?

OptinMonster thrives in environments where the goal is to convert website visitors into subscribers or customers. I see it work well for content-rich sites like blogs, e-commerce platforms, and small to medium-sized business websites that aim to grow their email list and improve conversion rates. Its loyal customers often come from the marketing sector, especially those who value detailed analytics and campaign optimization.

This tool suits teams that range from solo entrepreneurs to mid-size marketing departments that need to implement targeted campaigns without heavy IT involvement.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For OptinMonster?

If you're looking for a comprehensive marketing automation platform that includes customer relationship management and extensive social media integrations, OptinMonster might disappoint you. It’s less suitable for very large enterprises that need a more robust solution that's part of a wider marketing ecosystem, or for those who primarily focus on B2B with complex sales cycles.

It may not be the right fit for industries that have less of a digital presence or for teams that prefer a hands-off approach to visitor engagement.

OptinMonster FAQs

What is OptinMonster used for?

OptinMonster is a conversion optimization tool designed to help website owners convert visitors into subscribers and customers.

Can OptinMonster help with A/B testing?

Yes, OptinMonster has A/B testing capabilities that allow you to test different elements of your opt-in forms and campaigns.

Does OptinMonster integrate with e-commerce platforms?

Yes, it integrates with various e-commerce platforms to assist in increasing conversions and sales.

Is there a free version of OptinMonster?

No, there isn’t a free version, but they offer different pricing tiers based on the size and needs of your business.

Can I use OptinMonster on multiple websites?

Yes, depending on your subscription plan, you can use OptinMonster on more than one website.

Does OptinMonster require coding skills?

No, it is designed to be user-friendly with drag-and-drop builders and pre-built templates that don't require coding skills.

Is customer support available for OptinMonster users?

Yes, they offer customer support through email and have a knowledge base for self-service assistance.

How does OptinMonster handle mobile visitors?

It is designed to be mobile-responsive, ensuring opt-in forms look good and work well on any device.

Alternatives to OptinMonster

  • Sumo: Known for its simplicity, Sumo is a good alternative for those who want basic pop-up and opt-in features without too much complexity.
  • Thrive Leads: If you are running a WordPress site, Thrive Leads offers deep integration and advanced features geared towards WP users.
  • Leadpages: For those who need more robust landing page functionality alongside lead capture tools, Leadpages offers a comprehensive suite of marketing tools.

OptinMonster Company Overview & History

OptinMonster is a software company specializing in conversion optimization tools that enable businesses to grow their mailing lists and increase sales conversions. The software is widely used by companies ranging from small startups to large corporations. It’s an independent entity owned by its founders. Headquartered in Florida, USA, OptinMonster boasts a team with notable marketing experts.

Their mission is to provide powerful technology that's also extremely easy to use, helping businesses convert their website traffic into growth. Since its inception in 2013, OptinMonster has hit significant milestones, including reaching hundreds of thousands of users and regularly introducing innovative features in the lead generation space.


In wrapping up this review, OptinMonster presents itself as a capable tool for enhancing website conversion rates, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses and content-driven websites. Its strengths in customization, analytics, and user-friendly design make it a solid choice for those looking to capture and convert their online audience effectively.

I invite you to share your own experiences with OptinMonster or ask questions about specifics I may not have covered. Your insights and interactions are invaluable as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing tools.

Phil Gray
By Phil Gray

Philip Gray is the COO of Black and White Zebra and Founding Editor of The RevOps Team. A business renaissance man with his hands in many departmental pies, he is an advocate of centralized data management, holistic planning, and process automation. It's this love for data and all things revenue operations landed him the role as resident big brain for The RevOps Team.

With 10+ years of experience in leadership and operations in industries that include biotechnology, healthcare, logistics, and SaaS, he applies a considerable broad scope of experience in business that lets him see the big picture. An unapologetic buzzword apologist, you can often find him double clicking, drilling down, and unpacking all the things.