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In my Freshsales in-depth review, I’m sharing the results of my analysis and evaluation from hands-on testing and experimentation. Before we dive in, if you’re just starting your search for the best CRM tools, you should first check out my picks for the best CRM software. Freshsales is one of the top-rated CRM tools out there, but to figure out if it's a good match for you, it's important to understand the software’s benefits and drawbacks.

My in-depth Freshsales review will take you through everything you need to know to make a more informed decision—pros and cons, features and functionality, pricing, and more—to help you to better understand its capabilities and suitability for your needs.

Freshsales software workflow templates view
I like how Freshsales' software provides users with a variety of pre-made workflow templates, as shown here.

Freshsales Software Product Overview

Freshsales is a CRM platform that streamlines follow-up and helps close deals with features like sales sequences, email templates, and contact scoring. Targeted at small businesses and account managers, this CRM system offers a free plan, making it accessible for those seeking to test the waters of what many consider the best CRM. It benefits users by providing real-time metrics and customization options to tailor the sales process, while the support team stands ready to assist with configuration.

It addresses pain points like managing multiple sales activities, ensuring timely notifications, and maintaining an activity timeline. Among its best features are bulk emails, call recording, multi-currency support, and integration with social media, solidifying its reputation in many a Freshsales review as a top contender for the best CRM software for dynamic sales environments.


  • AI Lead Scoring: This feature prioritizes potential deals based on their likelihood to convert, which means sales teams can focus their efforts where it counts most.
  • Built-in Contact: Eliminates the need for separate communication tools by allowing users to call and email directly within the platform, ensuring smooth interactions.
  • Customization: Offers a highly adaptable interface that allows users to tailor the CRM to fit their specific workflow needs, promoting ease of use and efficiency.


  • Learning Curve: Some users might find the array of features daunting, which can lead to a steeper learning curve compared to more simplistic solutions.
  • Integration Limits: While Freshsales offers numerous integrations, it may not connect as seamlessly with niche or specialized third-party applications.
  • Mobile Experience: The mobile app, although functional, may not deliver the full depth of features available on the desktop version, potentially hindering on-the-go productivity.

Expert Opinion

Having sifted through numerous CRM tools, I regard Freshsales as a strong contender in the space, especially for mid-sized businesses. It shines with robust automation features, a user-friendly interface, and solid reporting capabilities. However, when it comes to the sheer breadth of integrations and customizability, it may trail behind giants like Salesforce.

In terms of onboarding, new users may need guidance, which Freshsales provides through comprehensive support. It excels in environments where sales processes are complex, yet it can sometimes feel like overkill for smaller operations that demand simplicity. Selecting Freshsales seems a wise choice for teams that prize lead management sophistication and in-built communication tools, while it might not be the go-to for those seeking minimalistic CRM solutions.

Freshsales: The Bottom Line

Freshsales sets itself apart with a keen emphasis on usability fused with powerful sales automation. Other tools might match it feature for feature, but the intuitive nature of its design means that users can often harness its full potential without the paralysis that can come with overly complex CRMs. Particularly commendable is its AI-based lead scoring system, which intelligently prioritizes leads, something not all competitors offer as seamlessly.

The built-in phone and email capabilities also make it a standout, consolidating essential sales communications into one platform. These integrations, along with the customizable sales pipeline, mark Freshsales as not just a database, but a dynamic tool tailored to drive sales efficiency.

Freshsales Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into Freshsales features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

Product Specifications

  1. Lead Management - Yes
  2. Contact Management - Yes
  3. Deal Management - Yes
  4. Email Syncing and Tracking - Yes
  5. Telephony (Built-in Phone) - Yes
  6. Workflow Automation - Yes
  7. AI-based Lead Scoring - Yes
  8. Reporting and Analytics - Yes
  9. Visual Sales Pipelines - Yes
  10. Mobile Access and App - Yes
  11. Third-party Integrations - Yes
  12. API Access - Yes
  13. Customizable Dashboards - Yes
  14. Chat Integration - Yes
  15. Campaign Management - Yes
  16. Sales Forecasting - Yes
  17. Territory Management - No
  18. Document Storage - Yes
  19. Quotes & Orders Management - Yes
  20. Team Collaboration Tools - Yes
  21. Product Catalog - Yes
  22. Email Marketing - Yes
  23. Marketing Automation Integration - Yes
  24. Web Forms - Yes
  25. Custom Fields and Modules - Yes

Freshsales Feature Overview

The CRM encompasses a suite of features essential for sales teams to streamline their workflows.

  • AI-based Lead Scoring: Freshsales employs artificial intelligence to evaluate leads, enhancing the focus on those with the highest potential for conversion.
  • Email Syncing and Tracking: It synchronizes with email platforms for seamless communication, providing valuable insights on email opens and interactions.
  • Visual Sales Pipelines: The interface allows for the creation of customizable pipelines, offering a clear overview of the sales stages and deal statuses.
  • Mobile Access and App: Sales teams on the move can access their CRM data anytime, anywhere, maintaining productivity outside the office.
  • Workflow Automation: Freshsales removes the tedium of repetitive tasks by automating workflows, allowing sales reps to concentrate on selling.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The software provides detailed reports and analytics, helping teams make data-driven decisions.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Users can tailor dashboards to display the most relevant information for their role or objectives.
  • Campaign Management: It enables the management of marketing campaigns directly from the CRM, ensuring alignment between sales and marketing.
  • Team Collaboration Tools: Features like shared calendars and event tracking promote teamwork within the sales force.
  • API Access: Developers can utilize the API to customize and extend the functionality of the CRM, integrating it with other business systems.

Standout Functionality

Freshsales distinguishes itself from other media software with unique functionalities:

  • AI-based Lead Scoring: This proprietary feature uses machine learning to qualify leads, a distinct edge that not all competitors offer.
  • Built-in Phone: The convenience of a built-in phone allows users to make calls within the app, reducing the need for additional telephony software.
  • Email Tracking with Predictive Contact Data: It provides predictive data on contacts, making it stand out in how it informs email engagement strategies.


Freshsales integrates effortlessly with several third-party applications like QuickBooks for accounting, Zapier for automating workflows, and Google Workspace for productivity, enhancing its usability across various business functions. The platform also offers an API, which allows businesses to develop custom integrations, ensuring a seamless fit with their existing tech stack. For additional functionality, users can access a range of add-ons through the Freshsales marketplace to further tailor the CRM to their needs.

Freshsales Pricing

Freshsales provides several pricing tiers, making it adaptable to various business sizes:

  • Free Tier: A no-cost option suitable for small teams just starting out, offering basic CRM features.
  • Growth: Priced at $15/user/month (billed annually), this tier includes AI-based lead scoring and advanced reporting features. (min 5 seats)
  • Pro: At $39/user/month (billed annually), this tier adds workflow automation and marketing capabilities, suitable for growing sales teams.
  • Enterprise: For $69/user/month (billed annually), this is designed for large businesses requiring advanced customization and support features.

Each tier increases in features and support, catering to the growing complexity of sales operations.

Ease of Use

The user interface of Freshsales strikes a balance between sophistication and user-friendliness. I find the drag-and-drop functionality in pipeline management particularly intuitive. However, the breadth of features can be overwhelming initially, and mastering the automation tools might present a challenge for new users without prior CRM experience.

Customer Support

Freshsales provides robust customer support, with options including documentation, webinars, and live chat. Response times are generally prompt. However, users may encounter limited immediate support on weekends, and navigating the extensive help documentation can sometimes be a bit cumbersome for more complex issues.

Freshsales Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For Freshsales?

In my assessment, Freshsales thrives in environments that demand robust sales automation and customer relationship management without a steep learning curve. Small to mid-sized businesses often benefit from its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set. Sales teams that frequently engage in email campaigns, call tracking, and meticulous lead scoring will find this CRM aligns with their active workflow.

Industries where nurturing client relationships is pivotal, such as real estate, consultancy, and the tech sector, constitute its most loyal user base. Companies with a mobile salesforce will particularly appreciate the mobility the platform affords.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For Freshsales?

Conversely, Freshsales might not be the best fit for very large enterprises that require highly sophisticated, industry-specific customization or have deeply entrenched processes that demand extensive ERP-level integrations. Companies looking for a CRM with extensive territory management features might find Freshsales lacking. Teams that favor minimalism over feature-rich platforms may feel inundated by the breadth of tools and options available.

Freshsales FAQs

Can Freshsales automate my sales process?

Yes, it offers workflow automation to streamline your sales process.

Does Freshsales support email campaign management?

Yes, it has built-in email marketing tools.

Is there a mobile app available for Freshsales?

Yes, Freshsales provides a mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

Can I integrate Freshsales with my existing business tools?

Yes, it offers a range of integrations and an API for custom connections.

Does Freshsales have any artificial intelligence features?

Yes, it includes AI-based lead scoring among other intelligent features.

Are there customizable reports in Freshsales?

Yes, Freshsales provides customizable reporting and analytics.

Is it possible to manage my team's tasks and appointments within Freshsales?

Yes, there are team collaboration tools for managing tasks and appointments.

Can I try Freshsales before I purchase?

Yes, Freshsales offers a free tier and usually a free trial for its paid plans.

Alternatives to Freshsales

  • HubSpot CRM: Ideal for those seeking an easy-to-use interface with strong marketing integration.
  • Salesforce: A good alternative for large enterprises requiring deep customization and extensive third-party integrations.
  • Zoho CRM: Suitable for businesses looking for an affordable CRM with strong inventory management features.

Freshsales Company Overview & History

Freshsales is the brainchild of Freshworks Inc., a company that specializes in business software solutions. Its suite of products is utilized by companies around the world, ranging from startups to well-known enterprises. Freshworks is a private entity, known for its dynamic product range catering to sales and customer engagement. The company is headquartered in San Mateo, California, with a global footprint.

Noteworthy individuals associated with Freshworks include CEO Girish Mathrubootham and several experienced tech industry veterans on its board. Freshworks' mission is to enable businesses of all sizes to deliver delightful customer experiences. Since its founding in 2010, it has rapidly expanded and hit several milestones, including the development of a comprehensive ecosystem of business software.


Concluding this Freshsales software review, I find it to be a comprehensive CRM tool that suits businesses in need of strong sales automation, insightful lead scoring, and efficient customer relationship management. Its ease of use combined with powerful features offers a balanced solution for growing sales teams. If you're considering Freshsales or have experience with it, your comments and insights would be valuable for others evaluating their CRM options.

Phil Gray
By Phil Gray

Philip Gray is the COO of Black and White Zebra and Founding Editor of The RevOps Team. A business renaissance man with his hands in many departmental pies, he is an advocate of centralized data management, holistic planning, and process automation. It's this love for data and all things revenue operations landed him the role as resident big brain for The RevOps Team.

With 10+ years of experience in leadership and operations in industries that include biotechnology, healthcare, logistics, and SaaS, he applies a considerable broad scope of experience in business that lets him see the big picture. An unapologetic buzzword apologist, you can often find him double clicking, drilling down, and unpacking all the things.